Thursday, April 14, 2011

Facebook Emoticons

Facebook Emoticons

What is the purpose of Facebook emoticons?
Probably you have been using Facebook for a while like most of us. We use Facebook for different things. Some use it for keep in touch with friends and family, while some of us use it for business. You can create pages for your business or groups for your coworkers, and so on. There are so many different activities also on Facebook. You can play with others or you can check your daily horoscope. Also if you want to know how is your favorite team doing all you need to do is to sign up for their fan page and hopefully you will be receiving the updates of your team.
Since we spend so much time on Facebook we can take advantage of the built in messaging system and the chat.
In the chat we can set up and customize our friends list. While we use the chat we can insert into it different symbols, called emoticons. These special characters are designed for the Facebook chat.
We use emoticons, symbols and smileys for different purposes. One is for fun, to tune up our boring text, but the other is a very useful purpose. When we talk to each other face to face we can use our facial expressions and our body language to give a definite meaning to our words. If we just talked without body language we could very easily get in trouble. Sometimes it is very difficult to figure out what the other person is trying to say. You can mean two completely different things saying the same exact words to someone. Depending on how you say it can mean a positive or it can mean a negative thing, too.
So the purpose of Facebook emoticons is to spice up your chat without writing and also to give more confidence to the meaning of our text. So how do you do that?
Let’s say you want to put a smiling face at the end of the sentence. Why? Because it gives a definite meaning to your opinion. Let’s just suppose you are chatting with your newest boyfriend. And he was late at the first date. But you are not mad at him, so when you type into your chat window: “You were 20 minutes late “if you live it like this, might give the impression to him that you are mad, but if you type: “You were 20 minutes late “with the smiling face at the end, that gives a completely different meaning to what you try to say.
So it is not only fun but it is very useful to use emoticons in our chatting.

There are several ways of having symbols in the Facebook chat. You can use the original Facebook emoticons, or there are other methods as well you can make your chat more fun.
Here are the ways you can tune up your text in Facebook
• Facebook original chat emotions
• Alt+code
• ASCII art
• Facebook status symbols
• Facebook smileys
Here is a full list of the original Facebook Emoticons. Enjoy!

Check out other fun facebook emoticons

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